Enable administrative privilege routeren enter the configuration mode. Cisco router configuration commands cli cheat sheet in a previous post, i have published a cisco switch commands cheat sheet tutorial. Basic cisco router configuration stepbystep commands. Aug 09, 2011 ccna guide to cisco networking fundamentals chapter 12 basic switching and switch configuration slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The first two are gui tools and the latter is a cli option. Chapter 2 the basics of device configuration 18 chapter 3 the basics of device interfaces 46 chapter 4 tcpip basics 82 chapter 5 appletalk basics 196 chapter 6 ipx basics 236 chapter 7 basic administrative and management issues 266 chapter 8 comprehensive ios configuration for the zip network 294 index 322. Configuration guide of layer3 managed switch planet technology. Vlan configuration commands step by step explained learn how to create and manage vlan in cisco switch step by step. Nov 09, 2010 the intention of this video is actually not to show how basic switch configuration is done. Basic cisco switch configuration example in 10 steps.
Express setup for quickly configuring a switch for the first time with basic ip information, contact. If you are completely new to the cisco cli, you might want to look at our introduction to cisco ios cli lesson first. Use a terminal emulation software such as putty and connect to the console of the switch. Define the hostname assign the privileged level secure console port secure vty lines encrypt the passwords define hostname it is very useful define the name of your cisco switchrouter. We have completed the basic configuration of a cisco switch. The following commands will work on most cisco switch models such as 4500, 3850, 3650, 2960, 3560 etc.
Setting up basic cisco 2960 switch settings youtube. What is the cisco ios version that the switch is running. Mar 26, 2017 basic initial cisco switch configuration duration. Unicast transmission is the predominant form of transmission on lans and within. It is a stepbystep guide for the most basic configuration commands needed to make the router operational. A switch will only process a data from a neighboring switch coming from the same domain and if the revision number of the neighboring switch is higher than its own. Configure switch ports to meet network requirements. Vlan configuration guide supermicro l2l3 switches configuration guide 6 figure vlan2. Chapter 4 basic configuration of a cisco router or switch. The prompt will display the name of the switch so sw1 tells us that we are connected to a switch named sw1. Knowing how switches normally boot and load an operating system is also important.
Basic switch configuration all contents are copyright 19922007. This vlan identification is done according to the procedure below. Configure the password for the virtual terminal lines. Copy the following basic configuration and paste it into s1 while in global configuration mode. I was creating my playground to learn how yersinia works. Later in this chapter, you will configure duplex settings. Types of vlans supported once a packet is received, a switch tries to identify the vlan for the received packet. There is no difference in output as long as your selected software contains the commands explained in this tutorial. Vlans and provides some basic information about designing vlans. Cisco ios configuration fundamentals command reference. You can use any network simulator software or can use a real cisco switch to follow this guide. Configuring a cisco switch properly means your network can make connections efficiently. However, a best practice for basic switch configuration is to change the management vlan to a vlan other than vlan 1. In a properly designed network, lan switches are responsible for directing and controlling the data the flow at the access layer to networked resources.
Installation and basic configuration of software modularity. Basic configuration of a cisco switch can be done in three ways, using cisco device manager web tool, using cisco networking assistant cna and cisco ios setup mode. The switch is designed for plugandplay operation, requiring only that you assign basic ip information. Apr 09, 2017 basic configuration of a cisco router or switch. Cisco switches can be configured with a special ip address known as the switch virtual interface svi. Catalyst 2960 switch software configuration guide full. February 28, 2012 basic switch configuration cisco ios basic switch functions, names and passwords the switch name is tool to let us see what device we are connected to. Default settings after initial switch configuration. Cisco ios router configuration commands cheat sheet pdf. Svi, or management address, can be used for remote. This document describes the commands used to configure lan switching and. Basic switch concepts and configuration 47 unicast broadcast multicast client group with unicast communication, a frame is sent from one host and addressed to one specific destination. Whether the configuration deployment of a switch is completed all at once or done in phases, the basic switch settings must first be configured. In unicast transmission, there is just one sender and one receiver.
It does not learn a new name if one has been previously set. Switch configuration by the end of this session, you will be able to. Cisco switches will be used for the hands on exercise however this is not a cisco course. Prerequisites for initial switch configuration refer to the switch hardware installation guide to complete the following tasks. Catalyst 2960 switch software configuration guide cisco. To explain basic switch configuration commands, i will use packet tracer network simulator software. Topology addressing table device interface ip address subnet mask default gateway s1 vlan 99 192. Oct 10, 2008 there are some standards steps used for basic configuration on your cisco routerswitch.
Configuring routing between vlans with interswitch link encapsulation 65. Cisco 3900 series, cisco 2900 series, and cisco 1900 series integrated services routers generation 2 software configuration guide chapter basic router configuration default configuration default configuration when you boot up your cisco router for the first time, you notice some basic configuration has already been performed. Contents v catalyst 2960 switch software configuration guide ol860301 obtaining configuration files 37 example configuration 38 manually assigning ip information 39 checking and saving the running configuration 310 modifying the startup configuration 311 default boot configuration 312 automatically downloading a configuration file 312 specifying the filename to read and write the. I will walk you through all of the commands to accomplish each objective of this lab. How to configure cisco switches a step by step guide. Basic cisco switch configuration in my opinion, the cisco switches are the best in the market. Using configuration mode to configure your switch 39. This was done in a lab environment, so i used simple passwords for simplicity. Basic cisco switch configuration routing table talk. While this is a configured switch, i would highly recommend using more secure passwords than the ones i used. Integrated services routers most networking vendors, including cisco have different router. For documentation about basic router configuration from cisco, visit their page. When you are finished, exit from line configuration mode. Cisco asa series general operations cli configuration guide 11 basic interface configuration asa 5505 this chapter includes tasks for starting your interface configuration for the asa 5505, including creating vlan interfaces and assigning them to switch ports.
Catalyst 2960 switch software configuration guide ol860304 chapter 4 configuring cisco ios cns agents 41 understanding cisco configuration engine software 41 configuration service 42 event service 43 namespace mapper 43 what you should know about the cns ids and device hostnames 43 configid 43 deviceid 44 hostname and deviceid 44. The redundant supervisor engine pauses the startup sequence after basic system initialization, and in. Ciscolike command via telnet or console port and customer doesnt need to learn new command from. This first lab 11 covers basic cisco router network configuration. Basic router configuration routing protocols and concepts. The auto option sets autonegotiation of duplex mode. Mar 02, 2011 a quick tutorial on basic switch configuration for the cisco ccna. Basic cisco router configuration stepbystep commands this post is by no means an exhaustive tutorial about cisco routers and how to configure their numerous features. Basic cisco commands by marcus nielson 2014 configuring basic switch settings switch examples enter enable if the prompt has changed back to switch. Basic switching concepts and configuration cisco press. The implications and reasoning behind this action are explained in the next chapter. Save your work and be prepared to share it with another student or the entire class.
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a basic configuration for a cisco ios router. The vtp domain name can be learned by a client switch from a server switch, but only if the client switch domain is in the null state. This means that the switches will update their vlan configuration based on the vtp information being sent by the switch with the highest revision number. Create a practice lab in packet tracer as shown in following figure or download precreated practice lab from second part of this tutorial. Since these kinds of posts are useful as a reference for many people, i have decided to create also a cisco router commands cheat sheet with the most useful and the most frequently used command line. In part 2, you will configure basic settings for the switch and pc. Learn how to configure and manage a cisco switch step by step with this basic switch commands and configuration guide. This tutorial explains basic switch configuration commands in detail with examples. Physical overview of a cisco catalyst 2960 series network switch duration. Versatile, reliable, flexible and powerful, the cisco switch product line such as the 2960, 3560, 3650, 3850, 4500, 6500, 9400 series etc offer unparalleled performance and features. For details from cisco on configuring telnet, console and aux passwords, click here. The initial management configuration includes setting ip. Contents v catalyst 2960 switch software configuration guide ol860301 obtaining configuration files 37 example configuration 38 manually assigning ip information 39 checking and saving the running configuration 310.
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